Why does Conventional Western Medicine Fail Us?

Yan Liu
6 min readAug 13, 2021


Conventional Western Medicine (CWM) is the dominant medicine branch in our modern society. It flourished in the 18–19th century when you can see most of the accomplishments are surgery breakthroughs — several other breakthroughs include vaccine and X-ray medical imaging [1]. Conventional Western Medicine contributed largely based on physics advancement like the invention of microscope, X-ray, computers, and so on. However, the emphasis on “hardcore” surgery and heavy reliance on synthetic pharmaceuticals are some huge setbacks of CWM. For example, surgery’s philosophy is that some certain diseases can be cured by removing or fixing a specific part of our body by cutting through some other tissues and making some physical procedures. This philosophy is dangerous.

In medicine, we first seek “do no harm”. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Ayurvedic Medicine, or Naturopathic Medicine all focuses on the prevention of illness and sees the human body as a whole to adjust and cure, instead of just separate body parts that need to be fixed or removed. These holistic medical branches put emphasis not only on evidence based treatment results but have totally different philosophy. For example, instead of prescribing acute synthetic medicines and using surgeries, TCM uses all natural herbs and acupuncture (ancient laparoscopy) to treat a person’s disease mildly in a long run. Along with Shi Liao (TCM diet therapy), Qi Gong (TCM mild exercise), Tui Na (TCM massage), you can find how an ancient medicine system is so advanced and holistic. To notice, I’m not asserting TCM is the best medicine system in the world but it provides a new perspective to the arrogant conventional Western medical field.

The arrogant Western medicine field sometimes makes huge arrogant fatal mistakes. For example — lobotomy, as Doctor Ken D. Berry wrote on his FaceBook:

“Back in the 1940–50s a Lobotomy in the treatment of certain mental disorders was considered “Settled Science”. If a doctor questioned this barbaric procedure he would have been viewed as ignorant or inadequate.

In fact, in 1949, the inventor of the procedure, Doctor António Egas Moniz, was awarded the Nobel Prize for his discovery. Lobotomy was considered Standard of Care, and any neurosurgeon not performing this accepted procedure would have been considered sub-standard.

Looking back now, we realize how ignorant these doctors were, and how dangerous this procedure was. Thousands of patients had their SELF destroyed by this procedure and became docile, robotic, non-humans

So, when you hear someone say the phrase “Settled Science, just remember that the Lobotomy used to be that. When you hear someone talk about Standard of Care, realize that this is often based on no meaningful research, and based entirely on the opinions of a few “experts” in the field.

There is no such thing as Settled Science, everything should be questioned and studied.

Standard of Care is a false paradigm implying that we know everything about a subject there is to know, and that this model should not be questioned.

Think, study, watch, research, debate; we are figuring it out as we go.”

Another example, still common today, lymphedema is caused when surgery removes lymph nodes to examine, for example, if cancer has spread to other parts of the body or not. But just use basic knowledge, you would know that if you cut a piece out of a pipe — it will leak! The fluids and waste will then accumulate in the body, which can cause swelling and infection. The fluids and waste should originally be carried around and expelled by the lymphatic system. Why can’t people use a dye to show if cancer cells are in the lymph nodes or not? Why surgeons still know their procedures can cause harm but they are still doing it and not think of other ways of checking cancer spread? I would suggest each surgeon must be an engineer or at least biomedical engineer first before becomes a surgeon who should know how the body system works from a human body engineering perspective and then they have the qualifications to apply surgery on people. In Japan, everything related to health is being cautioned using the phrase “Dootso, o daiji ni!” — “Please, it’s a huge thing!” The conventional Western healthcare system sometimes don’t put details into very consideration, which definitely needs caution and improvment. Or young surgeons are afraid to challege established authority? It’s called corrupted.

Nobody wants their children to get a needle. China has invented the PoliomyeIitis Vaccine in Dragee Candy, and I think it’s a universal welfare to every kid in the world. No more needles, no more pain! However, this marvelous Chinese invention is being pushed away by conventional Western medicine’s needle vaccine. Sometimes the Eastern medical field also lacks its confidence. Conventional Western Medicine philosophy is that you must get a needle to get vaccined and immuned, even for a kid. This can be changed. But people would argue that what if the kid spill it out, but it could be called a false delusion.

Forced psychiatry is another common phenomena in North America. People are deprived of their common or basic human rights. Britney Spears are not allowed to have babies freely, she cannot use her ipad, and she is forced to perform. How come the world becomes this? The dawn of the psychiatry reform is going on in Britain and Norway — there is the Soteria House which does not have forced psychiatric medications, and no forced medication hospital begin in Norway. You may ask what’s wrong with psychiatric medications? Search for the the Eli Lilly Zeprexa Papers, and you would know how the medical field is still supporting the blatant and notorious big pharma’s poisonous so-called “medication”.

As the advancement of technologies and our knowledge of information science, genes and epigenetics, we are now combating and curing cancer using cancer vaccine or immunotherapy, even solid tumours [2], which will eventually make surgery and chemotherapy outdated. However, the dragging force from the medicine industry’s interest chain and the lack of efficiency from medical policies and protocol advancements probably won’t make things happen soon. The interest on surgery tools and chemotherapy drugs are billions and billions. And the lack of determination or courage from the young generations of doctors are the issue too.

If you are a Canadian, you would feel why the medical protocol in Canada progresses so slow — the reason might be the lack of competition inside the medical industry itself because of the structure of the healthcare system that each doctor is an independent medical company and your illness’s first contact point is not a specialist but must be your family doctor who is not a specialist to explain your specialized test result. And, for example, your ultrasound result can’t be explained by a experienced front line technologist so the technologist should be replaced by a doctor who can tell you something instead of letting you wait for two weeks and being explained your non-specialized family doctor. The system is chaotic, lack of efficiency, and lack of innovation.

While in China (I’m not stating Chinese medical system is the best or similar), everyone has a basic sense where their illness or pain occurs, then they go to the specialized department. If that’s not the correct department, they are referred to other departments. They can see their medical reports with 10 min or half an hour — efficiency, efficiency! They don’t have a middle point like a family doctor in the way who may not have sufficient knowledge of what’s going on.


I’m not stating that Chinese or any branch of medicine is the best. As you read along, I stress the lack of confidence from Eastern Medicine too. If we can do something to change the outdated conventional medicine field, please don’t hesitate to leave your comment!


[1] Timeline of medicine and medical technology. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_medicine_and_medical_technology

[2] Personalized Cancer Vaccine with Atezolizumab Shows Promise in Advanced Solid Tumors. https://www.cancernetwork.com/view/personalized-cancer-vaccine-with-atezolizumab-shows-promise-in-advanced-solid-tumors



Yan Liu
Yan Liu

Written by Yan Liu

Veganism Promoter, Environmentalist, Air Quality Researcher, Health & Wellness Enthusiast

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